WHY! Business travel in the age of the internet

We are pleased to invite all Italian Travel Managers to join us at BTO 2016, as we take a close look at the future of the business travel sector in light of the sharing economy and growing online platforms, alongside AirPlus International our partner for several years now, who will be contributing their knowledge and experience.

Why! Taking part in BTO 2016 roundtables and scientific discussions can help every manager develop a strategy for improving corporate travel management.

Register your request to participate and we shall be happy to accompany you during BTO2016. There will be a priority line for all travel managers and a personalized itinerary designed to match your specific interests in order to maximise your participation.

The scientific committee of BTO 2016 will be delighted to welcome you and offer you free entrance for both days of the vent, buffet lunch on November 30th and December 1st.

Pre-register and receive your access credentials

Registration and hospitality are subject to the approval of the Scientific Committee of BTO2016.

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WHY! Il Business travel nell'era dell'online
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