Healing Hotels of the world

Adaptability to Change – How to Succeed in a Fast Paced Me-World

How can we as a global community stay committed to our personal wellbeing and adapt to the technological acceleration that will continue to grow?

The fast paced Me-World is for many of us simply overwhelming. We are constantly under the pressure to be on top of the latest new technological development. Technical evolution has in many ways pushed the human capability to cope with new situations. At the same time, we do not allow ourselves to give us enough time to rest in the NOW.

In Anne’s talk you will hear and learn how to stay present and alert amidst the busyness and to connect with your inner wisdom, a knowledge that you need to be happy and successful in todays reality. Meaningful human connection and inner balance are not hindering, but rather pushing a thriving business; a widely misunderstood and misinterpreted concept. You will also learn how this globally unique brand drives valuable business to it’s memberhotels by delivering exceptional content to the ever-growing seekers of holistic health and wellbeing.

Healing Hotels of the World sits at the intersection of the health and wellbeing and the hospitality industries, having created a new space in the market as the first and only global brand dedicated to profound individual change through modalities dedicated to personal transformation and healing.


Keynote Speaker
Anne Biging Healing Hotels of the world

Alessio Carciofi Digital Marketing | Digital Detox

Emma Taveri
BTO2017 | TEN

Tutti gli eventi del November 30th [Day Two]