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Philip Wolf Andrea D’Amico Douglas Quinby Gigi Tagliapietra Rosy Russo Andrea Sesta Mariarosaria Taddeo Luigi Deng Tao Tao Michele Cignarale Leonardo Romanelli Gianluca Diegoli Emilio Casalini Max Uggeri Anna Paola Concia Mauro Santinato Hjalti Baldursson Ait Voncke
MyBTO app for smartphones: the best way to explore the event. MyBTO will help you find the location, organize your schedule, learn more about various information, topics, speakers and exhibitors. Download it now, so you won’t get lost! The BTO2017 | TEN official apps:
BTO2017 | TEN 29-30 NOVEMBER FORTEZZA DA BASSO, FLORENCE Ten, according to Pythagoras, was the perfect number. It constituted the Tetraktys which, in turn, is the sum of the first four numbers and represented the four main cosmogonic principles – four just like the thematic halls here, at the tenth edition of BTO. Ten is…
Thank you very much! SAVE THE DATE – BTO 2017: November 29th and 30th in Florence. The 10th edition of BTO – Buy Tourism Online.
Two intense days for the travel industry with Booking[.]com, Airbnb, Expedia, TripAdvisor and other top companies from the industry. Take a look at all the events and watch them in streaming on November 30th and December 1st! November 30th, 2016 BTO 2016 – DAY ONE WHY! November 30th, 2016 9.15 AM (TZ: Rome) Paolo Iabichino…
We are pleased to invite all Italian Travel Managers to join us at BTO 2016, as we take a close look at the future of the business travel sector in light of the sharing economy and growing online platforms, alongside AirPlus International our partner for several years now, who will be contributing their knowledge and…
Since 2008, the BTO’s mission has been to decipher the numerous changes that have taken place in the world of tourism and hospitality. Nine years ago we found ourselves at the beginning of a “perfect whirlwind” that was about to sweep the whole sector away, as the Internet had reached a level of development that…
BTO 2016 november 30th & december 1st, at Fortezza da Basso (Florence) 9th edition of BTO – Buy Tourism Online ♥ BTO – Buy Tourism Online is the number one event for tourism and online technologies today. Now in its ninth year, its characteristic blend of scientific research and creativity continues to inspire its many…
Do you want to enhance the visibility of your company at BTO 2016? GOLD SPONSORSHIP An opportunity not to be missed, it is only valid for one company Full offer terms and exclusive benefits! SILVER SPONSORSHIP Valid only for 4 sponsors Full offer terms and exclusive benefits! PARTNERSHIP BOOK A wealth of proposals for you…
Thank you very much! SAVE THE DATE: November 30th and December 1st in Florence, at The Fortezza da Basso. The 9th edition of BTO – Buy Tourism Online. REWIND BTO 2015 Rewind Day ONE – December 2nd 2015 Rewind Day TWO – December 3rd 2015 Speakers BTO 2015 Exhibitors BTO 2015
A networking platform that helps you to connect. From now on, with MyBTO you can: add further information to your profile, making yourself more recognisable to others in the MyBTO community create and print your personalised badge to present on the 2nd and 3rd December at Fortezza da Basso, in order to access BTO 2015;…
Two incredibly intensive days on the themes of Travel & Innovation, Distribution of the Tourist Product, Social Media, Mobile, Stories and Attractors of Tourist Destinations, Culture and Economic Value. 7 themes – like the 7 notes of a scale – for the most musical edition ever: MOBILE We’are mobile obsessed and here’s why it matters DISTRIBUTION The…
Free from cause and effect, we spin horizontal threads in space and vertical threads in time, which intersect in an infinite spiderweb (web). At every intersection an individual, and every individual is a luminous drop of crystal (IT’S ME, .ITisME), and every drop reflects the light of others, crystals in the web. And so, synchronically,…
Tuesday 15th September at 9.00 prompt, registration opens for BTO 2015, the 8th yearly edition of BTO – Buy Tourism Online, for EARLY BOOKING and the best deals we can offer you. BTO 2015 awaits you on the 2nd and 3rd December in Florence, once again at Fortezza da Basso: this year on Wednesday and Thursday for the best edition…
Appointment at Fortezza da Basso on 2nd and 3rd December for the international event dedicated to travel 2.0 Florence, 21st November 2014 – TripAdvisor’s secrets and new developments will be revealed at BTO 2014, the international event dedicated to travel 2.0, to be held on 2nd and 3rd December at the Fortezza da Basso in…
Great anticipation for the 7th edition taking place at Fortezza da Basso With Philip Wolf, founder of PhoCusWright©, confirmed again this year. Florence, July 24 2014 – The date is set for the 7th edition of BTO on December 2 and 3 at Fortezza da Basso in Florence. The event dedicated to travel 2.0, which…
BTO 2014 December 2nd and 3rd 2014 Fortezza da Basso, Florence #ITisME
From Miami, Giancarlo Carniani – Scientific and artistic Director of BTO – Buy Tourism Online 2013 – comments Day Three of PhoCusWright Conference 2013. The Travel Innovation Summit@The PhoCusWright Conference – presented by Brand USA – showcases the next wave of innovation in travel. Travel Innovation Summit attendees come prepared to discover the next market-changing…
From Miami, Giancarlo Carniani – Scientific and artistic Director of BTO – Buy Tourism Online 2013 – comments Day Two of PhoCusWright Conference 2013, the workshops. The Travel Innovation Summit@The PhoCusWright Conference – presented by Brand USA – showcases the next wave of innovation in travel. Travel Innovation Summit attendees come prepared to discover the…
From Miami, Giancarlo Carniani – Scientific and artistic Director of BTO – Buy Tourism Online 2013 – comments Day One of PhoCusWright Conference 2013, dedicated to Travel Innovation Summit. The Travel Innovation Summit@The PhoCusWright Conference – presented by Brand USA – showcases the next wave of innovation in travel. Travel Innovation Summit attendees come prepared…
The person at the centre of everything is the thread that connects the 2013 edition of BTO – Buy Tourism Online. The motto “.IT is YOU” will accompany every part of the two day programme, held in Florence’s magnificent Fortezza da Basso. The scientific programme will particularly revolve around the – one of a kind…
Dopo il successo della prima edizione, tornano i premi italiani dedicati alle migliori strategie di Social Media Marketing nel turismo e nell’ospitalità. Hospitality Social Awards sono un’iniziativa ideata, organizzata e promossa da Teamwork, società di consulenza alberghiera, ospitata all’interno del BTO – Buy Tourism Online. L’evento vuole premiare l’eccellenza delle idee, la viralità dei contenuti…
Nei più di 95 eventi srotolati dentro il programma scientifico delle due giornate di BTO – Buy Tourism Online 2013, 3 e 4 dicembre a Firenze, sempre in Fortezza da Basso: Cultura & Travel. Con la cultura si mangia? Esiste un approccio che permetta di valorizzare al meglio il patrimonio culturale e, allo stesso tempo,…
The “Toolbox” will be returning to BTO – Buy Tourism Online with around 24 lectures on “what to do when”. First launched at the 2012 edition with 10 sessions, this year’s “Toolbox” will be divided into BASIC and ADVANCED, and will fit firmly within the whole schedule of the scientific programme, with slots of about…
From next Tuesday August 27, registrations for the 6th edition of BTO – Buy Tourism Online will open with the first early booking to be “boosted” by a hi-tech gadget. The admission price will be presented along the same conditions as the past two editions and will maintain a focus on young people under >>>…
The person at the centre of everything, the theme of BTO – Buy Tourism Online 2013. .IT is YOU will accompany everything that happens during the two days in Florence, next 3 and 4 December, with a scientific programme that revolves around the – ONE OF A KIND – ability that we Italians have when…
intoscana.it, il Portale ufficiale della Toscana, si conferma media partner di BTO 2013. La redazione giornalistica di intoscana.it ha seguito tutte le manifestazioni, fin dalla sua prima edizione alla stazione Leopolda di Firenze, con tg dedicati, interviste, articoli e approfondimenti. Per chi volesse rivivere BTO 2012 intoscana.it ha creato una pagina speciale dedicata che raccoglie…
Torna il 3 e 4 dicembre 2013 BTO – Buy Tourism Online, l’evento educational di respiro internazionale dedicato al mondo del travel 2.0, promosso da Regione Toscana, Toscana Promozione e Camera di Commercio di Firenze, organizzato da Fondazione Sistema Toscana e Metropoli – Azienda Speciale della Camera di Commercio di Firenze, con la direzione scientifica…
BTO – Buy Tourism Online is a great opportunity for businesses whose target market is tourism industry operators. By becoming a member of the Exhibitors’ Club, you can: present yourself with a dedicated stand run your own product presentation in one of the Fortezza da Basso Halls, as part of the event’s scientific programme schedule…