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Startup Italian Open 2017 | The preliminary phase (A)
There will be our second travel startup contest, which was so successful last year. The winner of the first contest, “Sharewood”, also won a People’s Choice Award at Phocuswright Europe. Who will win the coveted trophy this year?Read more »
The State of the Travel Net
Travel Online’s storyline for the next ten years, was represented this year via Phocuswright’s vision and research by its top researcher Douglas Quinby, for the first time at Fortezza da Basso.
Incredible India
To talk about Asia and its myriad facets, let’s start with a country filled with contradictions, where a sense of “discovery” and the importance of the “experience” are compelling still today. We want to tell you everything about tourism in this country, from the wonder of a trip to India to the needs of a.. Read more »
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Artificial intelligence era is starting. We do not know exactly when the “singular event” will occur (that is, when artificial intelligence will overcome the human one), but we must start thinking about ethical problems, while there is still time. ——– BTO2017 | TEN – Mariarosaria Taddeo – Oxford Internet Institute BTO2017 | TEN – Giovanni.. Read more »
EMMA: Feel the buzz around!
Feel the buzz around! Tell your stories to the right people in a more visually engaging way! Experience how you can use digital tools to get in touch with your audience, steer conversations and start telling more compelling stories. Start connecting people, places and topics in multimedia presentations that work perfectly on all your communication.. Read more »
Roberta Milano guest of GONG!
La La Land.
Travel Rocks
Antonio Pezzano guest of GONG!
Tough Questions on Destination Management. ——– BTO2017 | TEN – Antonio Pezzano guest of GONG!
MM-ONE Group: From Digital to Marketing Automation: the right integrations for business online growth
Nowadays Internet plays a crucial role in the business development of every company. Success is achieved through the optimization of the company’s strategies, not only with efficient tools properly set-up for every customer, but mainly with the expertise of a partner capable of leading the company in the digital area. Presentation cured by: MM-ONE GroupRead more »
Vivere di Turismo: The Path to Success – 7 Stages of a Thriving VR Business and a Road Map to Get
What makes the difference between a successful business and one destined to lose? Why certain businesses thrive while others decline and disappear? Danilo shares the mechanisms that make a business succeed and identifies 7 stages each entrepreneur goes through so you see where you stand and you know what to do next. You’ll learn: –.. Read more »
Francesca Campagna guest of GONG!
Ride the Wave: a digital experience.
See The World from a different perspective
Traveling is about learning, experiencing, and exploring – all things that we can do through the new experiences that technology makes available to us.
The big guy in the room. Getting ready for ASIA
The big Asian companies have landed in Europe. After speaking many times about the evolution of the Chinese market in terms of their internal explosion, we are now seeing the coming expansion of two major players like WeChat and CtripRead more »
Museum Gaming. A new future for museums.
Father&Son, the videogame that has seen the active participation of the MANN, Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli (National Archaeological Museum of Naples), represents the first attempt of integration between videogames culture and a Museum Institution trying to create a product that combines two extremely different “cultural heritage” dimensions. What are the advantages of this combination?.. Read more »
Antonio Maresca guest of GONG!
#BacktoBasics: Reflections on the complexities of a tourist facility’s on-line presence. ——– BTO2017 | TEN – Antonio Maresca guest of GONG!
Keesy: the revolution of self check-in
Can hosts and managers of non-hotel accommodation welcome guests, offering them a quality, flexible and bespoke service, without sacrificing all their time? The answer is simpler than it might appear. Technology is revolutionising the relationship with the guest in every area of accommodation services, radically changing the work of the host, not only in small.. Read more »
Serenissima Informatica: The solution to know all about your guests
The new world of the systems that talk to each other to anticipate the requests of the guests and increase efficiency and revenues of the hotel. The evolution of technology and computer science allow hoteliers to free their creativity and imagine big advantages: know all about their guests to anticipate requests, improve loyalty and increase.. Read more »
Disrupting from inside
Fabio Galetto [Google] guest of GONG!
Journey into the Future. ——– BTO2017 | TEN – Google – Fabio Galetto guest of GONG!
Be aware of keyboards lions
They are called ‘keyboard warriors’. The language problem is currently one greatest problems of the universe of the socials. The ‘Parole O_stili’ project has prepared a behaviour manifesto for the online language. Let’s try to talk in a correct way. ——– BTO2017 | TEN – Parole O_Stili – Rosy RussoRead more »
Get your business done
The “Experiences” market has made a solid entry into the consumer’s mind’s since last year’s launch of a colossus like Airbnb.
In fact, travel industry sales of tours and visits have been a market with firmly established players as well as many small, local businesses.
Let’s look at the situation.
Keynote Speaker
Tao Tao Getyourguide!
Caterina Manzi AirBnB
Luca Perfetto florencetown
Sergio Cagol guest of GONG!
"From Bear to Bear", stories of sustainability and development.
GestioneAlbergo: Leo ABC – Analytics Business Control make your work easier. The efficiency of the hotel beyond the Revenue Management
Leo ABC offers a radical change over the traditional Business Intelligence systems, providing the ability to easily define your Revenue Management strategies embedded in a total hotel control. Leo ABC focuses on overcoming the traditional limits which many softwares on the market are run into, such as a difficult understanding and confused amount of data,.. Read more »
Blockchain for dummies
Blockchain is still unknown to many people. Everyone has heard of it but nobody knows the revolution that it could bring and the applications it could have in tourism. Let’s clear some things up.Read more »
Wi-Fi Hotel: The new age of hospitality Wi-Fi: monetizing the most sought-after service for hotel guest, turning it into a channel for interacting with customers, selling more and improving the ratings on travel portals
Modern hotel Wi-Fi platforms can provide value to hoteliers too, as well as to guests. Through their existing Wi-Fi systems, hotels can pay off the ever-growing investments in technology, by creating innovative strategies for communicating with guests, selling additional services and getting more positive reviews on travel portals. During the seminar, we will describe several.. Read more »
Andrew Morsi guest of GONG!
Let’s talk about Rate Parity pros & cons.
Hotel Solutions: Revenue Management, web e comunicazione: un approccio olistico
The profitability of the Hotel Company: costs and prices; Revenue Management as guideline of the company strategy; Revenue Management, Dynamic Pricing and web; Visibility, contents and applied price: operating in accordance with a unique approach web coomunication, social media and OTA; Parity Rate, legislation and business opportunity. Presentation cured by: Hotel SolutionsRead more »
Emma Taveri guest of GONG!
Di destinazioni e non: 10 storie di eroi di tutti i giorni. ——– BTO2017 | TEN – Emma Taveri guest of GONG!
Ask me anything: booking[dot]com
Peter Verhoeven
Giancarlo Carniani BTO2017 | TEN
Artificial intelligence in tourism: what human beings and humanoids think about it?
Tourism will not be immune from the changes caused by artificial intelligence. Let’s talk of what is already on the market, without waiting for the future. ——– BTO2017 | TEN – CISET – Federica MontagutiRead more »
Travel as you like, Pay as you like
One of the biggest changes we are seeing is how payment methods are rapidly developing. It started with Elon Musk and now the market is very crowded with all the big players, like Apple and Amazon, involved.Read more »
Andrea Sesta [Lercio] guest of GONG!
Fastbooking: Metasearch & Display Ads : the new winning distribution sources for hotels?
FASTBOOKING reveals the results of a study conducted on a sample of over 1.000 hotels to better understand the trend of Metasearch and Display Ads getting the best results in attracting traffic and profiled customers to hotels’ websites and offering the best return of investment. Presentation cured by: FASTBOOKINGRead more »
Booking Expert: The future of Booking Engine
Are we sure that Booking Engine’s concept and current use will be an essential tool? Let’s jump into the future of technology to imagine it off-Booking Engine. Presentation cured by: Booking ExpertRead more »
Filippo Pretolani aka gallizio guest of GONG!
Towards what? Designing travel experiences. ——– BTO2017 | TEN – Filippo Pretolani guest of GONG!
Is there life beyond OTA?
It is hard to believe that there is life beyond the duopoly that dominates the online market.
Yet, in reality, the world market share of these two OTAs does leave room for so much more.
Startup Italian Open 2017 | The preliminary phase (B)
There will be our second travel startup contest, which was so successful last year. The winner of the first contest, “Sharewood”, also won a People’s Choice Award at Phocuswright Europe. Who will win the coveted trophy this year?Read more »
Gigi Tagliapietra guest of GONG!
IS IT WORTH IT? Reflections on a difficult question.
Video killed the (picture) star
The multitude of different video formats that today circulate on the web allow us to desire different tourism communication. Five years ago, Vimeo was broken by the arrival of the video of the then unknow Rick Mereki. Eat, Move and Learn marked a watershed in the tourism video category showing the users how it is.. Read more »
I love OTA! NO, I don’t!
It is neither a debate, nor a comparison.
One large OTA will explain why millions of people rely on their services and how to succeed with them.
Another big player in the market explains why this is not the case, leaving it to the public to decide who is right.
Keynote Speaker
Walter Lo Faro Expedia
Des O’Mahony Bookassist
Sergio Farinelli Simple Booking / QNT Hospitality
Different technologies in vacations rentals
How to automatize 99% of the working process in the Vacation Rental area thanks to technology and how to optimize the revenue strategy of the apartments. Property Management and the non hotel offer with the short term rentals formula has brought a revolution in the way people travel all over the world. Competition is high.. Read more »
Vertical Media: Love me, hate me, buy me!
How to turn haters into energy for your business John Hater is sitting there, in front of his pc in a dark corner of the living room. The tv is turned on in the background while he’s feeling like writing your hotel review on TripAdvisor in a mixture of rage and revenge. They insult you,.. Read more »
Fabrizio Todisco – Marianna Marcucci [Invasioni Digitali] guests of GONG!
People have the power.
Hotel Fuck’up
There are difficult moments that the companies sometimes cannot foresee. The use of many data sources should allow every tourism company to equip themselves in advance for disasters. Often it is not so. ——– BTO2017 | TEN – Roberto NecciRead more »
Bookingfor: Come pianificare una corretta strategia di promozione utilizzando i dati del territorio – I dati Predittivi
Ogni destinazione ha a disposizione una importante mole di dati provenienti da diverse sorgenti che spesso viene ignorata. E’ possibile aggregare e utilizzare questi dati per guidare le scelte di promozione di chi gestisce la promozione della Destinazione? Quali sono i dati veramente importanti e quali informazioni sono in grado di darci? In questo intervento.. Read more »
SiteMinder: Hotel Tech Strategies – How to use technology to get ahead of your local competition
Technology has become critical to both attracting and retaining hotel guests. More than ever, you need to stay up-to-date on who your target consumer is, what technology to use to reach them, and how to use those tools to stay ahead in a market that is fast consolidating and leaving you fewer reliable, independent choices.. Read more »
Silvia Moggia guest of GONG!
Welcoming Magic.
trivago, 10 Years On
Ten years ago, at the inaugural edition of BTO, Malte Siewert introduced Italy to a small unknown company called “trivago.”
Today, trivago N.V. is a leading global hotel metasearch that is reshaping the way travelers search for hotels and reinventing the way hotel advertisers connect with these travelers online.
One of trivago’s Managing Directors, Malte returns to share the company’s business challenges and learnings from over the past exciting decade.
Keynote Speaker
Malte Siewert trivago
Philip Wolf BTO2017 | TEN
As for all the cultural and creative industries, even the cluster of videogames production industries presents in Italy a double dimension: together with the major international ones there are also new micro companies that realise the so-called “indie” videogames sometimes characterised by great qualitative potentials. What are the economic dimensions of this cluster in Italy?.. Read more »
The Research Files
Research Files are the cornerstones of research that BTO wanted to entrust to up-and-coming companies that try to providing innovative services, in addition to using analyses and views of the online world.Read more »
Matteo Stifanelli [AirBnB] guest of GONG!
"Design for Trust".
Nozio: Next Hotel Marketing Trends: selling your hotel’s inventory with acquisition costs close to 0%
An overview of the new trends in the Hotel Marketing scenario, with a precise goal: to grow your business keeping acquisition costs as close to 0% as possible. In this presentation: Tools & Strategies that allow Hotels to reach new customers before competitors: Travel Intent advertising, new opportunities in Metasearch advertising, advanced Remarketing strategies and.. Read more »
TravelClick: Compete one on one with OTAs: Sell on site dynamically and customized
Sell rooms from your website in a dynamic and personalized way by applying strategies and promotions used by OTAs to stay competitive. Presentation cured by: TravelClick
That’s Italy Folks!
Tripadvisor’s view of our country has certainly been put together by one of the most important observers that the internet has produced.
The latest trends show Italians making increasingly frequent use of the “owl”.
Rocco Rossitto guest of GONG!
TEN, ten unsecret secrets.
Nicoletta Polliotto guest of GONG!
The Digital Marketer’s Paradox: 10 good reasons to continue traveling, without being a passenger who considers himself the pilot.
Franco Grasso: Revenue e tecnologia
L’avessi saputo prima. Presentation cured by: Franco GrassoRead more »
Evols: Give me 30 minutes and you’ll discover 3 amazing techniques to increase your hotel’s sales and generate more profits
Improve the revenue and margins of your organization through targeted marketing strategies and technology tools tailored to your reality, your resources, and your goals. Find out how to increase direct sales, by exploiting and not fighting the OTA channel. Get new customers and keep the ones you already have through a "reasoned" use of online.. Read more »
Studying alternative accommodations DNA
Airdna is a company that analyzes all Airbnb data. With Scott Shartford, we will look at the impact of multinationals on the Italian market, taking in all aspects of growth and development.
Keynote Speaker
Scott Shartford AirDNA
Douglas Quinby PhoCusWright
Marc Sampietro The Student Hotel
A beautiful (hotel) mind
There are magical hotels. There are challenges that only who imagined them can talk about them. Here we talk about Cave Bianche Hotel of Favignana, a fantastic project in Italy, a country that is able to imagine redesign itself at best.Read more »
Travel and Tourism Competitiveness report
The World Economic Forum’s report gives us the rankings of various countries around the world, and, in particular, helps us to understand the operational methodologies and data behind this important report.Read more »
Lidia Marongiu guest of GONG!
10 ways to increase appeal of a travel destination.
Can museums use revenue techniques?
Why can only airplanes and hotels carry out revenue procedures? Also, museums could do it, besides they respond to the same rules and solicitations. Let’s talk about it with an important director.Read more »
Luciano Scauri guest of GONG!
In Search of Lost Revenue.
Leonardo Romanelli guest of GONG!
Being a Food Critic in the TripAdvisor Era.
Do you see a future for DMO?
TENTENNARE. What have DMOs done and what will they be doing in 10 years?
Communication, marketing, management, forums, lobbying?
All, some, or none of these activities?
Keynote Speaker
Josep Ejarque FourTourism
Gustavo Koniszczer FutureBrand
Antonio Pezzano DMI
The Hospitality industry goes local
Global international hotel chains versus local independent hotels, what do they have in common? Costs and benefits of a chain affiliation versus staying independent. What are the best practices of the brands to keep the local identity sustainable raising awareness through international brands? Internet distribution and marketing have dramatically leveled the playing field over the.. Read more »
Alessio Carciofi guest of GONG!
From Wellness to Well-Being: the tourism product with zero competitors.
Carlo Vischi guest of GONG!
Agri-food, frontier of territorial marketing.
The Prons and Cons of Revenue
Revenue Management has always been a key topic in the BTO program.
We started talking about it ten years ago with Andrew Morsi.
Let’s look at what has changed since then and what track new platforms like LodgIQ are following.
Keynote Speaker
Andrew Morsi eRevMax
Fabian Bartnick LodgIQ
Wilko Weber Swiss Hospitality Solutions
Luciano Scauri SKL International Consulting
Catch me if you can
Internet security, especially in the travel world, is a topic that must be taken more seriously.
We would like to play “cops and robbers” with you to demonstrate how easy it is to defraud the major players.
Not to be missed.
Keynote Speaker
Max Uggieri NASDHACK
Umberto Rapetto Hkao Human Knoledge
Rodolfo Baggio BTO2017 | TEN
Giorgio Soffiato guest of GONG!
Spin the wheel: observations on digital budget and vanity metrics to do real marketing.Read more »
See Europe as a whole destination
Promoting a sole identity on the global market, valorising the beauties and characteristics of 32 countries so different one from another, but kept together by the Visit Europe brand. An important challenge presented by Peter de Wilde, President of the European Travel Commission, who shows us the objectives achieved and the future projects, focusing on.. Read more »
Sergio Farinelli guest of GONG!
Some hotels make 8% direct and others make 80%. Why?
Parity Rate: Bedzzle
Bedzzle is the new All-in-one solution for your hotel. It’s the first suite of easy to use advanced tools.Powerful for the most exigent. Accessible to all. Manage your sales channel with few clicks and have control over your hotel thanks to the PMS, Booking Engine, Channel Manager and Hotel-CMS, the new technology for your website… Read more »
Tiziana Tirelli guest of GONG!
#scleromarketing, rewind.
Customer experience & Digital Engagement
Digital engagement is like a set table, every company needs everything to be in perfect order, although the table may not be used.
Businesses are increasingly dealing with new tools. It’s a rather big problem…
Raimondo Gissara #BE
Giovanna Manzi BTO2017 | TEN
Sandro Moretti Simple Agency
Maria Teresa Lamberti Giornalista RAI
The way to innovate
Something we have yet to understand in the world of travel is what direction innovation will take over the next ten years.
We are anticipating even more extensive changes than those already experienced, while seeking to increase our understanding through one of the most dynamic companies in travel innovation.
Keynote Speaker
Olaf Slater Sabre
Fernando Olivera Snapshot
Mirko Lalli Travel Appeal
A tribe snapping photographs. #Instagram as alphabet of the images
Instagram has transformed everyone into image producers and opened the doors to the photographic language: photography became the privileged instrument to narrate about the world and contemporaneity. Until a few years ago, it was necessary to be skilled and have the right instruments to make photographs, but nowadays with the diffusion of the smartphones and.. Read more »
FVG Social Ambassador: “PASSION” blogger!
The first BLOG written by the people who live the land in first person: from Friuli Venezia Giulia here it is! True stories that come straight to the heart (<3) because made by real people. Trying to describe such a rich, varied land as Friuli Venezia Giulia – where a still-wild landscape offers mountains,.. Read more »
Emilio Casalini guest of GONG!
Of identity, beauty and revolutions.
Xenia Lab: Trippus event solutions online
Loved by event organizers, now tailored for Hotels: an end-to-end solution for all in-house Congresses, Conferences and Special Events. • Registration system via web and mobile • Confirmation e-mail • Automatic SMS distribution • Mobile website (web-based event app) • Reports • Best in class customer support ALL IN ONE CLICK! Plenty of Upselling opportunities.. Read more »
Bookassist: OTA, smetto quando voglio
Nel keynote saranno fornite strategie per rafforzare il Brand Online ed aiutare ad incrementare il fatturato diretto proveniente dal Sito Ufficiale. Bookassist offre strategie online a 360º, grazie alla pluripremiata tecnologia del suo Motore di Prenotazione insieme ai servizi di Digital Marketing e Web Design. Da più di 16 anni sul mercato Internazionale con uffici.. Read more »
Carlo Fontana guest of GONG!
Managing the Guest Experience: High Tech or High Touch? Your perfect equation: guest satisfaction, reputation, revenue. We will consider the roll of people (High Touch) and technology (high tech) to create happier guests, who come back, become your ambassadors and improve the brand value through strong word of mouth.
Alessandra Farabegoli guest of GONG!
Getting to your destination (via Inbox).
The deliverability in email marketing explained using human words.
Now you see me
We here at BTO have always viewed and carefully analyzed what Google does on Travel Online.
However, this year we aim to go a little further, discovering designs and ideas that will change the world from Mountain View.
Keynote Speaker
Fabio Vaccarono Google
Giancarlo Carniani BTO2017 | TEN
5stelle* and Italo Paltrinieri: Last minute revenue
Today, even with excellent programming, we still need to decide how to manage unsold rooms in real time. This is why it is decisive to act promptly and knowledgably. With Italo Paltrinieri, one of the leading Italian experts in the Sales&Revenue field, we will investigate what to do to improve performance at the last minute… Read more »
Miriam Bertoli guest of GONG!
Gianluca Diegoli guest of GONG!
Oscar Wifi: 30 minutes for a quick look at GDPR for your hotel: false myths and some (un)certainties!
On May 25, 2018, the General Regulation on Personal Data Protection (EU) 2016/679 will come into force. What is it and what activities to undertake as a hotelier? Three basic rules to stick to in the path required to go along with the new legislation. Presentation cured by: Oscar WifiRead more »
Healing Hotels of the world
Adaptability to Change – How to Succeed in a Fast Paced Me-World How can we as a global community stay committed to our personal wellbeing and adapt to the technological acceleration that will continue to grow? The fast paced Me-World is for many of us simply overwhelming. We are constantly under the pressure to be.. Read more »
Five Italian Cities Struggling with Over-tourism?
The Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism MiBACT opened a roundtable with the town councilors for tourism in five cities: Milan, Venice, Florence, Rome, and Naples.
On 27 July, Minister Dario Franceschini signed a protocol of cooperation between the Ministry and the five cities, a first step towards sharing choices regarding the protection of sites beleaguered by tourism.
Introduzione di contesto
Francesco Palumbo, Ministero dei beni e le attività culturali e il turismo MiBACT
Anna Paola Concia, Assessora con delega al Turismo del Comune di Firenze
Isabella Menichini, Direttrice Area Turismo del Comune di Milano
Gaetano Daniele, Assessore con delega al Turismo del Comune di Napoli
Adriano Meloni, Assessore con delega al Turismo del Comune di Roma
Paola Mar, Assessore con delega al Turismo del Comune di Venezia
Robert Piattelli BTO2017 | TEN
Luxury or Lifestyle
In new hotel concepts, we have long been "over and above" the starred ratings.
Are we now perhaps also losing the luxury rating?
Indeed, it seems more important for the hotel industry to have truly creative, rather than expensive, plans, in search of “lifestyle” hotels, with some tips to consider on how to do it.
Keynote Speaker
Ioana Alina Georgescu NH Collection & nhow Hotels
Stefano Pediconi Hotel & Spa Design
Giulia Eremita BTO2017 | TEN
ENEL: Green tourism and E-mobility: from potential to reality
Accommodation facilities are increasingly facing new demand of sustainable tourism. The challenge is to meet the needs of the growing number of tourists that are keen to the benefits of green travel. Enel offers innovative and integrated mobility solutions designed specifically for accommodation facilities, enabling them to be active protagonists of the electric mobility revolution.. Read more »
Philip Wolf guest of GONG!
Intesa Sanpaolo: Innovazione e startup nel turismo: guidano i mega-trend
Presentation cured by: Intesa SanpaoloRead more »
Mirko Lalli guest of GONG!
Mauro Santinato guest of GONG!
The Digital World of TUI
Philip Wolf BTO2017 | TEN
Keynote Speaker
Friedrich Joussen TUI Group
Four Short Stories
Four stories of change, regeneration, renewal. Let’s listen to the stories of persons that got back in the game, with effort and determination, not only in the travel world.Read more »
Double Digit
Part #1
Iceland is not just the homeland of volcanoes and geysers. Not surprisingly the country also happens to be good at football. In addition, there has been a big technological breakthrough with a platform like Bokun as one of the cornerstones. Let’s learn more.
Part #2
One of the most successful startups in Europe is also one of the most interesting cases to follow. Going from A to B with just one ticketing has always been one of the main goals of travel, regardless of the means used. They have succeeded.
Parte #1
Hjalti Baldursson Bokun
Stefano Zeni GTA
Nicola Delvecchio Teamwork
Parte #2
Filippo Bonsanti GoEuro
Nicola Delvecchio Teamwork
Massimiliano Ventimiglia guest of GONG!
Bidtotrip: Ottimizzazione del Revpar grazie alle tecniche di dinamic price
Le compagnie aeree gia’ da diversi anni utilizzano per la costruzione tariffaria strategie di dinamic price, facendo della variabile tempo un elemento chiave. Il mondo dell’hotellerie non deve essere da meno, interpolando correttamente la domanda e l’offerta in funzione del tempo puo’ vedere significativi cambiamenti sull’indicatore RevPAR. Bidtotrip e’ il partner che entra in scena.. Read more »
Giuseppe Rivello guest of GONG!
Hoxell is an innovative work system for excellence in hospitality standards. It combines software and people to improve guest satisfaction and grow customer loyalty through staff empowerment. Perfectly interfaced with your PMS, our platform enables a deep interaction between a hotel’s guests and staff, providing outstanding customer service by constantly engaging with them at multiple.. Read more »
GP Dati: The handbook for your online presence: 10 sins to avoid and how to improve yourself
The online presence must be handled with the same care and attention you use to handle furniture, equipments and details: it has to be constantly maintained, kept to the best and especially shown in the most appropriate manner. Come and find out how to do it! Presentation cured by: GP DatiRead more »
Ermanno Bonomi guest of GONG!
Ask me anything: Expedia
Ait Vonke Expedia
Douglas Quinby PhoCusWright
Destinations: Spain, Slovenia, and Italy, what is the role of foreign offices?
A round table on the role of governmental Tourism Organisations and Agencies foreign offices. Spain, Slovenia, and Italy discuss about the state-of-the-art, future projects, chaired by the responsible of a DMO. Inside and towards a world changing rapidly. ——– BTO2017 | TEN – I feel Slovenia BTO2017 | TEN – Gianni Bastianelli – ENIT BTO2017.. Read more »
Destinations models en Route
Cities are installing ever more advanced digital connections.
Can they be the answers to an integrated distribution of tourist services?
We look at the situation in three cities: Florence, Prague, and Tel Aviv.
Carlotta Ferrari Destination Florence
Jana Hudcova City of Prague
Yadin Katz Tel Aviv Global
Antonio Pezzano DMI
Mafe De Baggis guest of GONG!
Elementare Watson
Raise your hand if you have never heard of the Watson project, an ingenious artificial intelligence plan with countless applications in the travel world.
Francesco Tapinassi guest of GONG!
Danilo Beltrante guest of GONG!
Living from tourism and happy in Italy.
The digital life of an Airline
KLM has always been the worldwide leader in digital airline innovation.
Its ideas and campaigns have always been at the forefront, considered the best not just within the industry.
At BTO, we have cited them for years and finally, after years of insisting, we will have their own representative on stage.
Keynote Speaker
Carolijn Hauwert KLM Airlines
Marco Carrai Toscana Aeroporti S.p.A.
Miriam Bertoli Formatrice
Tourism and Terrorism, the new challenges through the net and according to destination
The current international scenarios and geopolitical events show that tourists (and tourism) are a specific target of terrorism strategy; diffuse terror and destabilise political balances are its objectives. Limiting the effects of a pervasive war, diffused, and delocalised; deal with the direct damages, costs, and expenses of tour operators and companies operating in the tourism.. Read more »
Arturo Salerno guest of GONG!
15 Rounds. Debunking myths and implementing trends in hospitality internet marketing.
Michil Costa guest of GONG!
I love and do what I want.
Facebook: AI and travel marketing
It is progressively more at the center of our social life. In fact, it is increasingly at the center of our lives.
Travel Online is no exception, from reviews to engagements to promotions.
Is it the winner of everything?
There is always a second chance
Secondary ticketing is just a revenue management system applied to tickets for attractions, concerts, and sports events.
This well-known practice used by hotels and airlines now also has been widely implemented in the secondary ticketing field.
A panel not to be missed.
Keynote Speaker
Franz Blechschmidt Smart Pricer
Lorenzo Lopez Box Office
Mariangela Gabriele Maggio Musicale Fiorentino
Emanuele Mansueti Ars Hotels
Riccardo Russo guest of GONG!
Exploring, Learning, Doing, and Innovating. From Messina to London at 18 years of age.
Giancarlo Carniani guest of GONG!
It’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.